Friday, January 29, 2010

Coming Soon: ?!

I might...MIGHT...start this little old blog up again (which really means, just 'start it up'). I have been inspired by some good friends (Leah, Tamara, and Lauren) to write things other people can see instead of limiting my rad ability to string words together to my desktop (the "for my eyes only" file. My scribblings have stage fright).

The greatest thing about having a blog is, I...extrapolate, is that I have an outlet to share my rants with the world. The best thing about this blog is that I had the wisdom and forethought to entitle it "Whatever I Feel Like." So, my options are limitless and so are the possibilities!

Be warned, though. If ever I begin a rant there's no telling where it will go or how long it will take to get it all out.

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