Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's funny because it's true! (as said by my sometime Ukrainian friend, Max)

According to my dear, dear (and like-minded) friend, Leah, there is no limit to how many blogs I am allowed to post in one day, week, month year, etc.  I certainly don't want to come off as some desperate blogger noob, but today I have found myself with a little extra time and I am glad to know I am not breaking any posting etiquette.  Sadly, my free time is the result of a sinus infection that rends useful attentiveness powerless and leaves me with only the focusing abilities required for tasks that don't require much.  That means, frequent homework breaks for blogging and Sims playing!

Remember those days when we were little kids and responsibilities stopped when we were sick?  Yeah, me, too.  Lying on the couch with sole power of the remote, being waited on hand and foot by Mom or Dad, and all without guilt because there really was nothing we could do about it... (have you noticed yet that I am a fan of ellipses?)  Sadly, I can't enjoy being sick as much as I used to when I have several thousand (exaggeration) phonetic Spanish words to transcribe, due this afternoon.  There's always the chance I will feel too bad to go to class, though, right?  Not that I, a responsible, diligent college student, would ever HOPE not to have to go to class....

I am debating whether or not to relate humorous yet almost uncomfortably personal sickness details.  Like, how many tissues I probably go through in an hour and the finer points of Neti-potting (which I have not yet learned, incidentally).  But I suppose that uncomfortably personal details are socially acceptable through a medium by which I am willingly to tell my life to the vast, uncharted web of the wide world, or something like that...  People do it everyday.  However, people ≠ everyone.  Maybe I will just leave it up to the WWW (which is probably just three people at this point) to imagine how many tissues I use (but I will say it's probably in the neighborhood of 25+).


  1. I love it. I am not going to imagine the tissue-usage. Sorry. Love goes very far but tissues don't have anything to do with that.
    Mom (not anonymous)

  2. I'll take the over of 25+. I don't imagine you are a "wadding re-user".... hope you feel better.

  3. Ha ha only in dire circumstances :) Thanks, Bubba.
