Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man of the house, or new fridge art?

So here's a random story that might (or just as likely might not) interest you.  The other day two of my lovely roommates went to the computer lab before hopping over for some Tortilla Fresca (mmmm, love that cheesy, greasy goodness!).  While eating, my roommate leafed through her stack of papers and found that she had acquired something unexpected:
Yes, that's right. Tom Selleck. Needless to say, they both died laughing.  I didn't know anything about this until one night when we were having a somewhat serious discussion about life and she whipped it out saying "This is for you."

Seriousness=gone.  I certainly did not expect a black and white of Thomas Magnum to pop up out of nowhere.  Then I died laughing.

Mr. Selleck was given the place of honor on our fridge with a magnet caption of "I'm busy being really handsome." (but only because "good-looking" was not an option... maybe one daiye.)

I think I might start a series of distinguished gentlemen fridge art.  I think I'm feelin' some John Wayne next, maybe, what do you think?  

Yes.  Win.  Now the only difficulty is the caption.

P.S. the funerals will be held simultaneously and chocolate bouquets will be accepted, with very warm thanks, by the surviving roommate(s).

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