Can I just say that I am soooo thankful for the way I was raised? (Why yes, yes I can, because this is MY blog.) I am very thankful for the way I was raised. My parents are so stinkin' awesome it's ridiculous. For instance, I have ALWAYS enjoyed Valentines day. You wanna know why? Because in my family it was never just about one's significant other. It was about everyone you loved. Besides that, it was a like a mini Easter because we all got candy from everybody, and even occasionally a present. (The Craig family loves any excuse to have a holiday celebration.) So, when I think of Valentines, I don't think of smooches with boyfriends (ew, gross), or bunches of red roses, or even sappy chic flics (Braveheart, anyone?). I also don't get angry that I don't have (and never have had) a Valentine. (Okay, maybe a little annoyed...)
Now, please don't think I am being all high and mighty since the rest of the single world tends to feel differently than I. I totally understand your bitterness because, dang it, that is the propaganda that Hallmark and their constitients (this is a quote that I didn't misspell, btw) have been shoving into our brains since we were old enough to watch TV. The only reason I escaped is because my mom would spread out the red, pink, and white construction paper, hand out glue, and chunk some stickers, glitter, candy, and markers our way. Then my brothers, sister, and I would get crackin' on making those cards. Boy howdy did we make some awesome ones! They weren't just the piece-of-paper-folded-in-half kind, either. Usually we got creative with making pop-ups, heart-shaped flaps with messages underneath, and paper pockets full of (chocolate) candy. Our cards were veritable labyrinths of Valentinian delight.
Okay, maybe I have gone through a few bitter stages. I should be honest and say that I haven't been a jolly Happy Couples Day enjoyer every single year, but for the most part I have had fun. Especially when I get to be with mi familia.
I didn't get to be with my actual, blood related family on Valentines this year, but I did have a pretty sweet adventure with some sisters of mine at Sam. My day began with pancakes a la Johnna, and then we snuggled up with Sophie (her miniature schnauzer) and spent the day with Mr. Darcy, a la Colin Firth. If you're single on Valentines, this is in no way pathetic, I assure you. No margaritas or wine coolers were involved and there was only one dog and no cats. Just pancakes and some chicken fricassee, which I cooked! Yes ma'am/sirree-bob that's right. I cooked something that called for things like "Fines Herbes" and "mace." The website is totally awesome and I will be going there often. Johnna spruced things up with some fried pickles and iced tea and was my moral support during the ordeal of new recipe making.
Later, six of us from my resource group, plus baby Shane, went to Houston for yummy Vietnamese food. Next time I am getting Pho because Mandy's was appetizing and fun. There was a jungle of tantalizing green things (including fresh basil leaves) and a steamy bowl of soup. Then she mixed them...
Later, six of us from my resource group, plus baby Shane, went to Houston for yummy Vietnamese food. Next time I am getting Pho because Mandy's was appetizing and fun. There was a jungle of tantalizing green things (including fresh basil leaves) and a steamy bowl of soup. Then she mixed them...
This has changed the way I think about soup:

We wanted to go to a really authentic place but we got there and discovered it was closed (sad faces, please). Instead we went to a cool place called Kim Son which turned out to be kind of delicious and rife with funny waiters. The only drawback was that we were in the direct line of the front door which faced north. This would not have been a big deal if a super windy cold front had not been blowing through with hurricane force.
After dinner, we visited Daniel. Wow. Someday I will attempt to write a blog about what it's like to go and see this man. He's sort of like a pastor, sort of like a prophet, but definitely full of the wisdom of the Lord. He also happens to be very good friends with my campus pastors so I am pretty much excited about that. Anyway, that is a story for a later date and an earlier hour. My brain is tired (which will account for my repetition of words) and after talking so much about food, I am also a little hungry. All this to say, my Valentines day was one of the best ever and I am so thankful that I got to spend it with so many people that I love.
Good night everyone!
Hope you enjoyed that :)
Now check out my friend Tamara's blog because I love her to death and she is worth knowing about. Kthanks.
Now check out my friend Tamara's blog because I love her to death and she is worth knowing about. Kthanks.
Chicken Fricasaee AND praises for leafy soup. I guess the visit with Daniel is good...though it sounds a little like a visit with Jacob. Just make sure. John and I liked your title inspiration. I never thought you misspelled "constitients". Thanks for the parenting shout out, btw.
ReplyDeleteEver and Always Yours (why yes, yes I am),
You're welcome! Thanks for the comment. It makes me happy to get them because then I know that my words are being read and I'm vain about that...
ReplyDeleteTotally not like Jacob. Jacob doesn't constantly point people to Jesus. It's funny because I knew you would relate it to Jacob since that was the first thing that popped into my own mind when I first heard about going :)